A friend of mine used to ask this question to most everyone he met, 'If you had a button which would kill the whole of humanity,not the plants or animals or the earth, but just humans including yourself. Would you do it,would you press it?
I have always maintained that it was a stupid question and theres no way any rational man would do it. Not just to yourself but why would you wanna do harm to the whole of humanity. What gives you the right to make a decision for all of humans. Humans are the only species capable of reason, of imagination and creation. Infinite feats have been accomplished by humans that would be impossible for any other species to have even thought of. So in killing humans we would be taking away the most evolved species from the planet. There goes our chance of breaking time barriers or finding if life exists on other planets or whether there really was a god or was it just another one of our many creations.
The earth though, it survived for billions of years before humans came into being. Out of the billion species no other has done more harm to the planet than humans have done to it. Can we honestly say that the earth could survive another million years of us. If its not the robots, it would be the depletion of the resources, if not that, a war between the countries with there nukes and the atom bombs and ohh! the ever wonderful chemical and the biological weapons. Just as there is no limit to the greed and desires of humans, theres no limit to the level of destruction we can wage upon this planet and other species ,most who have inhabited the earth much longer than us. Humans are needy, greedy, fearful people driven by their desires and insecurities. As long as we keep living this way ,never would we put the survival of another species or our planet before our short term happiness. Its not like we don't care about the planet or the fellow animals, its just that we are so caught up in our own race for superiority ,to show that we are better than everyone else ,that we know more, we could do more that we barely have any energy left to think about anything else ,something that is not directly going to affect us or provide us 'happiness'. We have harmed the planet in more ways in the last two centuries than any other species did in the billions of years that Earth has inhabited life. And we are not gonna stop. Whose going to make us?Our greed is only going to increase. No matter how much we get we are never going to be satisfied. Destruction of the planet by our hands is only gonna increase exponentially as we think of more and more creative ways to exploit the earth and all that it has to offer.
Realizing the extent of damage humans have and may can cause in the future, one just feels compelled to think would the earth not be just better off without the humans, would all other species not have a better chance of surviving without the humans.